In the event of a street closure being requested this will be reviewed by the Lynchburg Police Department to determine the need for Off-duty officers being hired or if this event needs to be handled by the City's Special Events Process instead. Applications for a City Special Event permit require a 90-day processing time - please plan the event accordingly. Section 15.2-2013 of the State Code requires comprehensive liability insurance before allowingsuch a closing. The standard liability insurance requirement for this type of activity is $1,000,000.00. If required the Certificate must include “The City of Lynchburg, its employees and officials are additional insured for the event” and must be on the face of the Certificate.
Lynchburg City Code 25-375.10(d) states: No person who participates in an assembly, demonstration, march, parade, picket line, procession, rally, or spontaneous event on the streets, sidewalks, or other public areas within the city shall (i) carry bats, clubs, or similar items, (ii) wear masks as prohibited by Section 18.2-422 of the Virginia Code, (iii) carry chemical irritant sprays or caustic substances, (iv) carry shields, (v) carry torches or any other burning substances attached to a stick or rod (candles are permitted), wear a helmet (unless riding a motorcycle, bicycle, or similar device in a parade or (vi) procession), (vii) carry aerosol containers that can be used as incendiary devices, or (viii) carry any item that can be used as a projectile. It is permissible to carry written or printed placards, signs, flags, banners, etc. but such items shall not be attached to poles or rods.
By signing this form, you affirm that the information supplied in this application is complete and to the best of your knowledge and belief. You understand that any misstatement of material facts will cause the application to be denied.