A temporary use permit is governed by the following regulations. These regulations do not alleviate the applicant from any other codes that may apply:
1. Such a permit shall only be issued for use within the B-3, B-4, or B-5 districts.
2. A permit for any such attraction shall not be issued for a longer period than fifteen (15) days, but may be renewed by the Zoning Administrator with or without modification;or may be revoked.
3. A charge may be made for admission to or use of any such attraction.
4. No such attraction shall be located within less than one hundred fifty (150) feet of the nearest lot line of any adjacent dwelling.
5. Lights, music, amplifiers, and other noise shall be controlled as to not be a nuisance to adjacent residents.
6. The hours of operation shall not extend beyond the normal business hours of the business establishments to which such attractions are incident.
7. In the event the Zoning Administrator refuses to issue a permit or revokes a permit previously issued for said promotional attractions, the applicant for such a permit will have the right of appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals.